Round X NFT for Top Rankers

Only top rankers will have the opportunity for issuing their own NFTs.

NFT for Top Rankers

There will be various sectors to be top rankers. Most viewed, liked, top writers and other upcoming sectors will have change to be top-rankers. Once verified as the top ranker(s), Round X team will give them certification and that will be visible on the corner of their profile. These top rankers will be eligible to issue their NFTs for sale.

NFT Marketplace

NFTs issued by top rankers will be available in the Top-ranker NFT Marketplace. Issuer can set the type of sale (acution, or buy now) and the price freely. The sales history will be a part of mesaruement of ranking as well. The bought NFT can be traded freely in the same marketplace or other outside NFT marketplace such as opensea.

Last updated